Qiong Wang
Postdoc Associate
PhD, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Civil Engineering
MS, Liaoning Technical University, Civil Engineering
BS, Liaoning Technical University, Civil Engineering
Address: 1400 Townsend Drive, Dillman 003A, Houghton, MI 49931
Phone: 906-487-2100
Email: QIONGW@mtu.edu
Prior to joining LiuRG, Dr. Wang had been working as a teacher in the Department of Civil Engineering at Haerbin University. During the above period, I have received some awards, such as Heilongjiang Provincial Natural Science Technology Academic Achievements twice in 2011 and 2013, two Jixi Science and Technology Progress Awards in 2013, Advanced Morality Individual in 2010, Excellent Teacher in 2010, 2011, and 2013. Dr. Wang worked as the principal investigator for several externally funded projects such as “Damage Properties of Concrete in Underground Engineering Under Earthquake”, “Evaluation system of the surface deformation caused by mining”, and “Training raising model and rating system in application oriented innovative talents of civil Engineering Specialty”.