Zhen Liu
Assistant Professor
PhD, Case Western Reserve University, Civil Engineering
MS, Zhejiang University, Civil Engineering-Geotechnical Engineering
BS, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Civil Engineering-Bridge Engineering
Address: 1400 Townsend Drive, Dillman 201F, Houghton, MI 49931
Phone: 906-487-1826
Email: ZHENL@mtu.edu
Dr. Liu earned his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, with an emphasis in Geotechnical Engineering, from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, in 2012. He continued working at Case as a research associate before joining the department. His teaching interests include soil mechanics, foundation engineering, numerical simulations, and other topics in classical mechanics. His research interests are integrated as the multiphysics simulation and innovative characterization in porous materials. The scope covers the numerical simulation and experimental measurement of multiphysical phenomena such as freezing, hydration, and dissociation and covers porous materials such soils, cement-base materials, gas hydrates, and biomaterials. His research has many direct applications in infrastructure sustainability, energy resources, environment protection, and advanced materials. Dr. Liu is currently serving as an active member on the ASCE task committee (Engineering Geology) and TRB standing committees (Physicochemical and Biological Processes, Climatic Effects, Unsaturated Soils).